How To: Make and publish a podcast using Audacity

Make and publish a podcast using Audacity

RabbidHedgeHog shows viewers how to easily make a podcast. This features how to make the podcast with the program Audacity. First open your internet browser and go to Audacity. Scroll down to download Audacity 1. 2. 6, save the file, Install and download the program. Now, open up Audacity which is basically a recorder. Connect your microphone which will allow you to record. Click edit, preference, find microphone and select the device you will use. Now, record your podcast by clicking the red record button and then the stop when you are ready to stop recording. To playback, simply click play. You can click, drag and delete portions of the recording that you do not like. Now, when finished go to file and save your podcast. Now, open up your internet browser and go to SwitchPod. SwitchPod allows you to host podcasts. You upload your podcast to SwitchPod by registering, uploading and clicking control panel. Here you can create your podcast by following the steps provided. Save your info! Upload your podcast. Uploading may take a little bit of time so be patient! Now, you will be given a podcast URL, which shows you all the pod-casts you have uploaded. Copy this URL, paste it into your web browser and save this link for later. If you want your podcast on iTunes open up iTunes and got to the iTunes store. Click the podcast panel, go to the bottom of page and click submit podcast under 'Learn More'. It will say podcast feed URL and simply paste the SwitchPod URL for your podcast and submit your podcast. Your podcast should now show up on iTunes within the next weeks.

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